From: "Janez"
To: "Maria Kasradze"
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2002
Nisem lep a sem slep,
zaljubljen od lepote tvoje,
lepote tvoje duše in srca,
najnežnejšega bitja sveta.
Zelo lepo mi je
pri srcu,
ker vem da moja si in jaz sem tvoj.
Tako lepo mi je,
da mi za povedat' ni.
To si ti, ljubezen moja,
moja Maria,
Maria Marie!
Kako lep je svet postal,
spet imam bodočnost,
ki že dolgo nisem vedel zanj.
Tako te pogrešam in štejem dni
ko za vedno bova skupaj,
ko ne bo mi treba vzdihovati,
"oj kje si moja Maria".
I am not beautifull but I am blind,
in love because of your beauty,
bauty of your soul and heart,
the gentelest beeing on this world.
I feel very nice in my heart
Because I know that you are mine and I am your.
I feel so beautifull
that I can't tell it.
It is you, my love,
my Maria,
Maria Marie.
How wonderfull this world became,
Again I have my future,
about which I new nothing for a long time.
I miss you so and counting the days
we shall be together for ever,
when I will not have to whisper :
'oh where are you, my Maria'