Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Klicala je Bela

Stormy Strait with Breaking LightImage by ecstaticist via FlickrKlicala si, Bela,
in me osreč'la,
in mi nar'dila
najlepši dan.

Napisal sem pesem
iz moj'ga srca,
zapel ti bom pesem
iz duše moje.

Vriskal bi,
in se ljubil s teboj,
na vrat te poljubljal,
te v kamro peljal.

Danes svobodna,
Si rekla,
za mene svobodna
Danes je danes,
Dan najinega praznovanja.

Klicala si, Bela
ob enajst in tričetrt,
rekla čarobno besedo si,
rekla si, »I am free«.

Ne najdem besed,
ne najdem fraz,
vem pa nekaj,
da .ljubim te,
moje življenje.

Delam in mislim,
delam tako,
da kmalu pri tebi bom.
Mislim in fantaziram,
bolj fantaziram!
Delam in delam
in nič mi ne uspe
delam naprej,
we must go on!

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ČRNI 12.september

Zagrabila me je panika, kaj bo
z mojo Belo. Kako ji lahko
pomagam, kaj lahko storim?

Tako me boli
da ni za povedat'.

Tako me je strah,
da ni za povedat'.

Kaj sem povzročil,
daj naredil
moji ljubi.

Tako sem nemočen!

Pri tebi me ni,
ko me rabiš.

Življenje bi dal,
da rešim te
iz krempljev tirana,
da pomagam
ti v svobodo,
ki tako si jo želiš.

Ne jokam za sebe,
jaz znašel se bom,
jokam za tebe,
ki sama si tam.

Ne morem te slišat'
ne videt' ne brat',
ne smem ti pomagat'
pa srčno bi rad.

Vem da me ljubiš
kot ljubim te jaz,
vem da si moja,
vedno bom tvoj.

Svet ta je krut,
svet ni ljubezen,
je borba na smrt.

Bela, bod' močna,
izdrži vse to,
vse bo še dobro,
verjamem v to.

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BLACK 12th September

birdsImage by alemdag via Flickr

BLACK 12th September

I began panic, what will be

with my Bela. How can I help

her, what can I do?

It hurts me so,

I can't tell how much.

I am so scared,

I can't tell how much.

What did I caused,

what di I do

to my love.

I am so powerless!

I am not with you

when you need me.

I'll give my life

to save you

from tiran's claw,

to help you

to freedom,

which want you so.

I don't cry for me,

I'll be all right,

I shed tears for you

beeing there alone.

I can not hear you

can't see you, can't read,

I am not alowed to help you

although hearty I want.

I know that you love me

as I do love you,

I know how you mine is

for always I'm yours.

That world is cruel,

world is not love

but fight to dead.

Bela, be strong,

be pacient through this,

it will be all right,

I do beleive it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

how , what

I was hoping
I am hoping
I will hope
The rest of my life.

Hope is what I have.

I will never give up, my love.
I am doing all I can.
I am not doing this the best,
I am making mistakes.

I'll never give up.

All the time is in my head :
»How, how , how ...
... What, what, what ...
how, what, how , what .... «

I need money to survive.

To buy you a house,
with a garden, full of roses.
To buy nice cloths, and books, and shoes.
To take you out, just to enjoy and take a dinner.
To visit my country,
in white winter,
in smelly spring time ,
in colour autumn.

What I am doing?

It's not money that I need!
No, no, no !!!

I need you,
I live for you,
I live because of you.

Oh God, how much I love her.
Zemanta Pixie

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pojdem jaz na Portugalsko

Pojdem jaz na Portugalsko,
Pojdem jaz na Portugalsko,
Pojdem jaz na Portugalsko,
Tja daleč v moj drugi svet.

Srček vleče tja me moj,
Srček vleče tja me moj,
Srček vleče tja me moj,
K moji Beli, ljubici.

Z rdečo rožo v roki,
Z rdečo rožo v roki,
Z rdečo rožo v roki,
S solzami v očeh.

Pot dolga b'la bo sedem let,
Pot dolga b'la bo sedem let,
Pot dolga b'la bo sedem let,
Sedem pa še mal'.

Ta čas pa emaile bom pošiljal,
Ta čas pa emaile bom pošiljal,
Ta čas pa emaile bom pošiljal,
S Skypom klical bom.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I am crying - Jokam - Estou a chorar

I am crying

I am crying,
crying in my heart.
I am crying,
crying with no tears.

I am shaking,
shaking even it's no cold.

I am empty, I am nothing.

I am so alone,
alone in crowd of people.
I am talking,
talking with myself.

I am scared,
scared to death.
Why, why, why !!!
What, what , what ???
How, how, how !?!?!?

I am crying,
crying while trying to smile.
I am crying deep in my heart,
deep in my broken heart.

Thanks God I have memories,
thanks God I still can hope.

»Come on, Rado, what's going on!?«
»Nothing, don't worry! Just crises which will pass.«

I am so tired,
tired of who knows what.
I feel so young, I feel so full of life,
just I am tired, too.

I'm so confused,
confused by everyday things.
Sometimes I think I'm a dreamer,
a dreamer in Alice's land.

Is SHE alive, is she real?
Or she is in my dreams!?


jokam v mojem srcu.
jočem brez solza.

Tresem se,
tresem, čeprav ni mraz.

Prazen sem, jaz sem nič.

Tako sem sam,
sam v množici ljudi.
Pogovarjam se,
govorim sam s seboj.

Strah me je,
na smrt se bojim.

Jokam se,
jočem in skušam se smejati.
Globoko v srcu jokam,
v globini zlomljen'ga srca.

Hvala Bogu, da imam spomine.
Hvala Bogu, da še upam.

»Daj no, Rado, kaj dogaja se!?«
»Nič, ne skrbi! Samo kratkotrajna kriza«

Tako sem zmatran,
utrujen od kdo ve česa.
Počut'm tako se mlad'ga, polnega življenja,
toda tudi zmatran sem.

Tako sem zbegan,
zbegan od svakdanjih stvari.
Včasih se mi zdi, da sem sanjač,
sanjač v Aličini deželi.

A je ONA živa, a je stvarna?
Ali pa samo v sanjah je!?

Estou a chorar

Estou a chorar,
Choro no meu coração.
Estou a chorar,
Choro sem lágrimas.

Estou agitando, tremendo,
mas não é frio nenhum.
Estou vazio, estou nada.

Estou tão sozinho,
Sozinho em multidão de gente.
Estou a falar, Conversando comigo.

Estou assustado,
Assustado até à morte.

Por que, por que, por que!
O que, o que, o que?
Como, como, como !?!?!?

Estou a chorar,
Chorando enquanto tentava sorrir.
Estou a chorar profundo no meu coração,
Profundo no meu coração partido.

Agradece a Deus, tenho recordações,
Graças Deus ainda posso esperar.

»Avance, Rado, o que está acontecendo!?«
»Nada, não se preocupe! Só uma crise que vão passar.«

Estou tão cansado,
cansado de quem sabe o que.
Sinto-me tão jovem, sinto-me cheio da vida,
Só estou cansado, também.

Estou tão confuso,
confundido por coisas diárias.
Às vezes penso que estou sonhador,
um sonhador na Terra de Alice.

ELA está viva, ela é real?
Ou somente está nos meus sonhos!?

(c) ismabera April 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The cat

Bela, The Cat
Bela, My Woman!
Do you exist,
My Bela, The Cat?

Yes, you Do exist
and You are
My Bela, The Cat!

The Tiger is comming,
my Bela, The Cat!
My Woman
is Waiting for Me.

Bela, my Cat
The Life of my life,
Bela, The Cat
So Happy we'll be!

You have my Soul
and Body and Heart,
I have your Heart
and Body and Soul.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

3 sestre - 3 sisters

Ana zaspana
nikoli ne bo,
igrala košarko
z zasanjanimi očmi.

Liliana bo pela
pesem za nas,
pesem o sreči
in lepem življenju.

Catarina plesala balet
bo in rock,
še nas naučila bo
kaj ples je to.

Dete še eno
na svet bo prišlo,
al' fant bo al' punca,
kaj važno je to.

Ana will never
be sleepy,
she will play basket ball
with dreamy eyes.

Liliana will sing
a song for us,
song about happines
and beautifull life.

Catarina will dance
balet and rock,
she will teach us
what the dance is.

Another child
will come to this world,
if boy or girl,
it doesn't matter.

Monday, March 31, 2008

How wonderfull this world became

From: "Janez"
To: "Maria Kasradze"
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2002

Nisem lep a sem slep,
zaljubljen od lepote tvoje,
lepote tvoje duše in srca,
najnežnejšega bitja sveta.

Zelo lepo mi je
pri srcu,
ker vem da moja si in jaz sem tvoj.
Tako lepo mi je,
da mi za povedat' ni.

To si ti, ljubezen moja,
moja Maria,
Maria Marie!

Kako lep je svet postal,
spet imam bodočnost,
ki že dolgo nisem vedel zanj.

Tako te pogrešam in štejem dni
ko za vedno bova skupaj,
ko ne bo mi treba vzdihovati,
"oj kje si moja Maria".

I am not beautifull but I am blind,
in love because of your beauty,
bauty of your soul and heart,
the gentelest beeing on this world.

I feel very nice in my heart
Because I know that you are mine and I am your.
I feel so beautifull
that I can't tell it.

It is you, my love,
my Maria,
Maria Marie.

How wonderfull this world became,
Again I have my future,
about which I new nothing for a long time.

I miss you so and counting the days
we shall be together for ever,
when I will not have to whisper :
'oh where are you, my Maria'

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Song and flower for Maria

Pesem in roža za Mario

Poema e flora para Maria

Monday, March 24, 2008

I love you so much

From: "Janez"
To: "Maria Kasradze"
Subject: just telling you
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 01:15

I love you so much
and good night
and sleep well
and have very nice dreams
and tell me about them.

I love you so much
and good morning
and give me a kiss
and tell me about your dreams.

I love you so much
and I am giving you a kiss
and let's have a breakfast
and let's make love.

I love you so much
and go with me
to walk on the ocean
and hold me and kiss me
and just love me

I love you so much
and I'll bring you a rose,
a flower from my heart
and from my mind
and from my body.

I love you so much
and you love me so much
and we love each other so much
and we shall be happy.